Nedeva, MariaGeorghiou, Luke2014-05-202014-05-202003 objectives of the assessment of the RDTI funding system in Estonia as specified by the Terms of Reference are as follows: 1) to conduct a review of the current R&D funding system in Estonia; 2) to review the objectives of the Estonian R&D Strategy 2002-2006; 3) to review best practice in R&D funding elsewhere; and 4) to propose an efficient, transparent and accountable R&D funding system.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessfundingdevelopment fundshigher educationEstoniaprogramsinnovationresearch and developmentsciencekõrgharidusrahastamineeestiarengufondidarendusprogrammidinnovaatikateadus- ja arendustegevusteadusAssessment of the Estonian Research Development Technology and Innovation Funding Systeminfo:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper