Pettai, Vello, juhendajaAljas, RiinTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituut2012-10-242012-10-242012 2011 all three Baltic states celebrated their 20 year anniversary of regaining independence. Despite the similarities between the countries and quite equal starting positions after breaking away from Soviet Union, we can see today, that Baltic countries are not as similar as they used to be. That is, especially in the case of Latvia and Estonia. After the financial crisis of 2009, Estonia has once again gained reputation as the shining star of the Baltics. To see whether this image is a myth or it is just a shallow observation, we should look at the progress made in transition period. Hence, the aim of this bachelor paper was to periodize the past 25 years (1986-2011) of Latvia using the framework, developed by Marju Lauristin and Peeter Vihalemm for periodizing the same era years in Estonia. In addition to getting an overview about Latvian transition, its outcomes and impacts on society, the paper tried to test whether historical periodization is suitable and useful in that kind of transition analysis. The paper claims that the development of two countries have been quite similar, as in the most cases periods crutial for transition match quite perfectly. However, if one looks at the differences, it can be seen that Estonia has been faster and the periods are more distinguishable than in Latvia. Taking account the societal and human development aspect of transformation, it seems that Estonia is not far better off than Latvia, when we leave out corruption. In all other aspects Estonia struggles with the same problems characteristic to all post-soviet nations.etpostsotsialistlikud riigidüleminekumajandusiseseisvuminevabadusliikuminereformideurointegratsioonLätibakalaureusetöödLäti siirdeaja periodiseering ja poliitilised protsessid Lauristini ja Vihalemma siirdeprotsessi raamistiku näitelPeriodizing Latvian transition and political processes using the framework by Marju Lauristin and Peeter VihalemmOther