Noorma, Mart, juhendajaAllik, Viljo, juhendajaKalde, JaanusTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja tehnoloogiateaduskondTartu Ülikool. Tehnoloogiainstituut2016-01-192016-01-192015 is one of the most important parts of any satellite. Estonian future satellite ESTCube-2 needs a new and advanced communication system to upload commands and firmware and download telemetry and images. The goal of this masters thesis was to determine system architecture and develop first electrical prototype of this communication system. Strengths and weaknesses of previous systems was researched and new system design was determined. Necessary single components were determined. Single components were built to prototypes, tested and characterised. RF parameters of filters were measured and found to be suitable for the system. Components were integrated to a first electrical model of the communication system. All of the work meets the requirements set to the system. Since power is very limited on small satellites focus was making the communication system energy efficient. This work could not be done without support from people in ESTCube team. Most of the necessary knowledge was taught by supervisors. Much of supporting work was done by other members of communication subsystem team – Ahti Laurisson, Taavi Adamson and Laur Joost. Work on the system continues in to develop full software and test all the component integration. This work contains technical drawings and description of developed system. It also provides information for developing other similar systems.enmagistritöödUHF Communication System for CubesatelliteUHF-sagedusala sidesüsteem kuupsatelliidileThesis