Zagura, Natalja, juhendajaRospu, ReetTartu Ülikool. Inglise filoloogia osakondTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond2016-08-312016-08-312016 aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of using classroom and home flipped environment in Estonian basic school EFL classes. Flipped Classroom methodology has been in the centre of discussion in recent years for it provides a combination of learning theories that have been thought to be incompatible. There may be tasks in language learning and teaching that need passive absorption of predefined knowledge; on the other hand, learners are changing and new technology is a natural part of the surrounding environment from as early as pre-school and kindergarten which has changed the concepts of education. Learning and teaching process is more effective, when learners are participating actively using their creativity in knowledge and skills construction and when learning goals are determined by the learners. When planning learning process it is vital that the chosen strategy would cause learning and in the centre of it were an active learner. The thesis consists of two chapters. In the first chapter background information on Computer Assisted Learning, Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom Methodology is provided and the benefits and difficulties in implementing the Flipped Classroom Methodology in EFL classes are discussed. Guidelines for implementing the Flipped Classroom methodology are provided and some case studies are discussed. In the second chapter a case study conducted on implementing the Flipped Classroom Methodology in EFL classroom is discussed and the methodology of the study is provided. The activities created for the case study, the process of implementing them and other activities in lessons are discussed, qualitative data analysis is used, the reflections on the process and experience is provided. The results of the survey are reviewed and followed by a discussion and conclusion.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessinglise keeldidaktikaõppiminetajuhoiakudmagistritöödFlipped classroom. A case study of Estonian basic school EFL classesThesis