Siibak, Andra, juhendajaRäim, SandraTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2011-07-212011-07-212011 aim of this paper is to examine the practices of television news viewing among university students aged between 19 and 23. For this, the author conducted two focus group interviews, each consisting of six people. The interviews were analyzed using the methods of cross-case and case-by-case analysis. The two main questions that were to be answered in this paper were as fallows: · Which TV news (on what channel) do university students prefer? · How important are television news to university students? The respondents seemed to prefer the news program “Reporter” what portrays more entertaining and “easier” news. This tendency about young people has also been recognised in other countries, like Holland, USA and Australia. Also, the respondents said that they are usually occupied with other activities while watching the news programme which is understandable do to the fact that these kind of news don’t always need a person’s full attention. The news programme “Aktuaalne kaamera” was also quite popular, mainly because it was considered to be trustworthy and high-quality. Compared to the importance of Internet use in the lives of the respondents, television news cannot be considered very important. Internet is used every day and usually more than once, whereas TV news are watched irregularly and seldom even. However, listening to the radio and reading newspapers seem to be even less significant in the respondents´ media use, which leads to the conclusion that television news are valued by young adults but are not nearly as important as is the Internet. This topic certainly needs further research because it has not been researched before. Also, to get a better idea whether the Internet is substituting TV viewing, the research should be broadened to TV shows and movies.etüliõpilasedmeediakasutusmeediaauditoorium (meedia)uudisedtelevisioonteleuudiseduudistesaatedbakalaureusetöödTeleuudiste vaatamise põhjused ja harjumused üliõpilaste hulgasThesis