Schulz, Christoph Felix, juhendajaPaeglis, Janar, juhendajaVolmer, Jürgen, juhendajaRosin, ViljarTartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Muusika õppekavaTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond2021-06-162021-06-162021 aim of this project was to create 3D audio-visual content with the music of Puuluup. For spatial audio elements, the sound of the band and ambience, was recorded with an Ambisonic microphone by Sennheiser, the Ambeo VR. The audio was mixed down to binaural and up to 5.1 surround. The visual content was recorded with two GoPro 7 Black cameras that were rigged in a side-by-side method to reproduce human visionengopenAccessmagistritöödPuuluup (ansambel)helisalvestushelisalvestuseadmedmuusikavideodPuuluup immersiveThesis