Konstabel, Kenn, juhendajaRaidvee, Aire, juhendajaToomela, EmilieTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut2012-03-152012-03-152012-03-152012http://hdl.handle.net/10062/24517The main goal of the present research was to study self-enhancement related to self-esteem and the five-factor personality traits. The OCQ self-inventory based on the signal detection theory was used to evaluate self-enhancement using the over-claiming techique. The creator of the questionnaire Delroy L. Paulhus is one of the top scientist in the field of selfenhancement research and his work is the main basis of the present research. In order to find suitable questionnaire items and adapt the original OCQ-150 to the Estonian cultural bounds school teachers were consulted with. The set of inventories presented to the respondents included five questionnaires. An OCQ test for evaluating self-enhancement, questionnaires of general and academic self-esteem, personality and social desirability. Different from earlier research where adults were studied, the respondents were 95 high-school seniors aged 17-19 years. It was found that better specialized knowledge nor higher general or academic self-esteem were not related to self-enhancement in this sample. The results showed that the BIDR and OCQ scores did not correlate significally and it is thus concluded that these two questionnaires may measure different aspects of self-enhancement. However, there was a connection between neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness with self-enhancement. Suprisingly, the correlation with neuroticism and extraversion was negative for both dimensions. Conscientiousness and self-enhancement correlated positively. Key words: self-enhancement, over-claiming, self-esteem, personality traits, questionnaireetenesehinnangisiksuseomadusedküsimustikudEnesevõimendamine enesekohastes küsimustikes seoses enesehinnangu ja isiksuseomadustegaSelf-enhancement in self-inventories related to self-esteem and personality traitsOther