Kiisel, Maie, juhendajaLeedmaa, Riia2010-10-212010-10-212006 thesis gives us a review of beliefs and attitudes of young families in Tallinn district towards eco food. The research investigates on what ecological food strategies are based on; what are the main and reliable sources of information; what are widely spread mistaken ideas and on what field there is a lack of information. The graduation thesis has 2 main chapters: theoretical basis and empirical research. Theoretical part describes the progress of modern hazard society and individualization through the changes of food strategies based on researches of U.Beck. The problematic of beliefs and attitudes in modern societies has been analysed according to the theories of Fishbein and Ajzen. Section 1.4 includes a survey connected with eco food strategies and choices. The survey is based on investigations conducted Eurobarometer Risk Issues and Estonian Institute of Economic Research. The empirical research includes 10 interviews, their analysis and summaries. The aim of the data analysis was to find out the answer to the statement set up in the hypothesis – the knowledge of eco food is episodic and with undefined starting point mainly because of the minimal information. The research declared the hypothesis. Discussion and references are written in the last part of graduation thesis. There is a debate about the information lack of eco food and suggestions how to enlarge the topic area by including supporting arrangements into the change of communication programme.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödkeskkondtoitainedkeskkonnasõbralikud tootednooredperekonnadhoiakudNoorte perede uskumused ja hoiakud ökotoidu suhtesThesis