Valge, Marju, juhendajaKorhonen, Pasi Antero, juhendajaKadastik, BirgitTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika ja statistika instituutTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond2016-07-072016-07-072016 aim of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to explain what missing data means and give some ways to deal with it in clinical trials. Firstly, an overview of different types of missing data is given and the reasons for their occurrence. Second part of the thesis explains which analytical approaches can be used to conduct an unbiased analysis. Further, missing data are simulated for a data set to show how the approaches described are used in practice with SAS software.enclinical trialscomplete case analysismissing at randommissing completely at randommissing datamultiple imputationSASkliinilised uuringudtäielike andmetega analüüsjuhuslik puuduminetäiesti juhuslik puuduminepuuduvad andmedmitmene asendaminebakalaureusetöödMissing data in clinical trialsThesis