Peek, TriinTartu Ülikool. Inglise filoloogia osakondTartu Ülikool. Filosoofiateaduskond2014-09-192014-09-192014-09-19 Piret RääbusTriin Peek Inglise-eesti seletav takistussõidusõnastik An English-Estonian Explanatory Glossary of Show Jumping Master’s thesis University of Tartu 2014 80 pages Keywords: show jumping, glossary The present Master’s thesis focuses on show jumping terminology. The aim of the glossary is to act as a guide to beginner riders, experienced riders, trainers and interpreters/translators who are new to the topic. The theoretical part of the Master’s thesis gives a short overview of the history of show jumping in Estonia and in the world. The theoretical part also covers the aim of this glossary, sources that were used to compile it and problems that occurred during the process. The main challenges concern creating terminology and their definitions. The last part of the thesis presents a glossary, which contains 301 English terms with explanations. The choice of terms is largely based on the show jumping rules set by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports. The terms cover show jumping subdivisions, such as rules for organising event, competition venues and equipment.etAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessüliõpilastöödratsasportsõnastikudmagistritöödInglise-Eesti seletav takistussõidusõnastikThesis