Niitsoo, MargusHion, JuhanTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika-informaatikateaduskondTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut2013-09-062013-09-062013äesoleva töö eesmark on kirjeldada miks ja kuidas loodi valge tasakaalu seadmise rakendus iOSile. Mõistmaks vajadust sellise rakenduse järgi antakse esmalt ülevaade valge tasakaalu probleemi olemusest ning kirjeldatakse olemasolevaid lahendusi. Nendel kirjeldustel põhinedes seletatakse ja põhjendatakse rakenduse loomisel tehtud filosoofilisi valikuid. Seejärel annab töö minimaalse vajaliku teoreetilise raamistiku mõistmaks valge tasakaalu muutmise matemaatilist tausta, sest foto valge tasakaalu muutmine ei ole triviaalne tegevus. Viimaks kirjeldatakse põgusalt loodud rakendust ning peatutakse selle keerulisematel tehnilistel aspektidel. Töö autor loodab, et rakenduse publitseerimisel Apple'i AppStore'i leiab see ka ostjaid.The goal of this thesis is to describe how and why a white balance adjustment app was created for iPhone. To facilitate understanding why this kind of app is necessary, an overview of the white balance problem domain and a tour of currently existing solutions on iPhone are given. Based on these descriptions the philosophical choices made about what kind of app to develop are described and justified. Since changing a photograph’s white balance is not a trivial thing, just enough theory is introduced to provide the necessary mathematical background to white balance adjustments. Built upon this background, the chosen colour correction solution is described in step by step in theoretical terms. Finally, a brief technical overview is provided to point out the more complex implementation problems solved during the development of the app. The author of this thesis hopes that when Make It White is completed and published it will find buyers from Apple’s AppStore.etbakalaureusetöödinformaatikainfotehnoloogiainformaticsinfotechnologyMake It White - valge tasakaalu rakendus iOSileMake It White – a white balance adjustment app for iOSThesis