Leping, VambolaMihhailov, SergeiTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika-informaatikateaduskondTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut2013-09-062013-09-062013http://hdl.handle.net/10062/32845Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli arendada rakendus Android platvormile, mis kasutaks Go mängu tehisintellekti mootorit ning võimaldaks mängijal Go’d mängida ning arendusprotsessi analüüsida. Töö raames analüüsiti erinevaid Go tehisintellekti algoritme, analüüsiti ning põhjendati erinevaid antud projektiga seotud tehnoloogilisi valikuid ning kirjeldati rakenduse arendusprotsessi algusest lõppuni. Valminud rakendus sisaldab kõiki töö käigus plaanitud funktsioone, kuid kommerts- kõlbliku tooteni jõudmiseks vajab see lisaarendust.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to develop an application for GNU Go artificial intelligence (AI) engine and analyze the development process from project management point of view. This purpose has been fulfilled as the application is ready and provides the user interface for playing Go board game with AI. Whole development process was carefully managed and analyzed : popular artificial intelligence techniques used in Go were taken into account; development tools choice was explained; project plan with most possible risks was developed before the actual development start and whole development process was documented. The application is developed on Android platform. Eclipse integrated development environment, Android SDK and NDK frameworks were used during development. All tasks planned for this project were successfully implemented, but application requires additional development to be done in order to be published in Google Play Market.etbakalaureusetöödinformaatikainfotehnoloogiainformaticsinfotechnologyGo mängu implementeerimine Android’i rakendusenaGo game implementation as Android applicationThesis