Paide, Olavi2010-10-212010-10-212006 purpose of this bachelor thesis „The definition and role of the producer in Estonian television production market” was to study the concept and responsibilities of a producer in the Estonian television production market and to analyse producer’s role in shaping the production of a single programme as well as television programming in general. Firstly, an overview of the definition and role of a producer presented by various authors was given and an inception and present situation of producer’s position was described on the bases of Estonian television production market. Thereafter, study tasks were presented and a study methodology was introduced in the second part of the thesis. The third part of the thesis contained descriptive analysis which was based on 10 in-depth empirical interviews conducted with programme directors, well-known and recognized Estonian television producers and representatives of other essential positions working for private television channels. According to the study the concept and role of the producer is similarly understood by all the representatives of different positions examined. A producer can be described as a creative entrepreneur, whose responsibility and task is to create ideas, develop projects, manage project teams and sell various television programmes to different television channels. It was clarified that the position of the producer is the most powerful one in Estonian television production market and producer’s decisions have the main importance and validity in the process of production. As a matter of fact the role of producer includes the ultimate responsibility for all the aspects represented in the television production. . It was also found out that the effective partnership between programme directors of television channels and producers is hindered as a result of different positions in their roles. According to the study, the role of a producer includes the whole responsibility for the production but there are only limited options available for the producer to co- ordinate and shape the programming of the television channel. Therefore orders coming from television channels, influenced strongly by ratings, have to be followed by the small-size entrepreneurs. Finally, conclusions were presented in the last part of the thesis, which included answers to the study tasks but also suggestions regarding topics which could be further analysed in the future.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödProdutsendi mõiste ja roll Eesti teletootmisturulThesis