Pääbo, Heiko, juhendajaGyulai, Attila, juhendajaAlforov, VladyslavTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut2023-11-022023-11-022023https://hdl.handle.net/10062/93932Apart from the daunting military quandary, the Russian invasion presented the Ukrainian government with complex socio-political challenges that call for resourcefulness and innovative solutions. Taking advantage of the ongoing digital transformation, novel political communication strategies were implemented throughout the governmental levels to consolidate public resistance to the existential threat. Thus, multiple factors warrant academic examination of the ensuing phenomenon: the dire context for the innovative communication in Ukraine, its seeming success, the understudied nature of discursive mechanisms facilitating social resistance and the swelling importance of digital and social media in world politics. Besides, earlier political communication literature focused predominantly on discourse pertaining to electoral campaigning or anti-government protests, with analysis of constructive governmental communication in times of national crises being virtually unprecedented. The following paper stimulates precisely such further research, offering a single-case study of resistance framing in the Telegram communication by Governor Vitaliy Kim of Mykolayiv Oblast during the first month of the full-scale invasion. The study develops an original taxonomy of collective-connective action framing, engaging the theoretical frameworks of collective and connective action logics and organisational hybridity. The research conducts qualitative data coding to identify and interpret relevant themes and frames that facilitate a robust resistance movement via social media networks and their technological affordances. Securing public trust, preventing panic and reinforcing identity thus appear as major tools of wartime political communication in the studied case. Effectively, this discursive toolkit aids the communicator in promoting social cohesion, unity and solidarity, all of which are integral for public resistance.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalmagistritöödVenemaa-Ukraina sõda, 2014-poliitiline kommunikatsioonelektrooniline kommunikatsioonvastupanuliikumisedsotsiaalmeediaUkraina (riik)Framing wartime resistance: a case study of Ukrainian digital political communicationThesis