Tartu ÜlikoolVasar, Veiko, toimetaja2013-11-152013-11-151990Per.A-1169http://hdl.handle.net/10062/34483• J. Saarma. Department of Psychiatry of Tartu University — 110 years • K. Achté, A. Tuulio-Henriksson. Psychosomatics in past and present. Psykosomatiikka ennen ja nyt • Thure von Uexküll. Medicine and society: are functional syndromes culture-bound? • E. Wulff. Beitrag der Ethnopsychiatrie zum Verständis Psychischer Erkrankungen • R. Richter. Auslösung und Aufrechterhaltung des Asthma bronchiale durch psychologische Faktoren • K. Achté. Pain as a psychiatric symptom • К. Achte. Psychology of the pain. Kivun psykologiaa • V. Lehtinen, J. Veijola, T. Lindholm, E. Väisänen. Epidemiology of psychosomatic disorders. Psykosomaattisten häireiöiden epidemiologiaa • R. Salokangas, M. Joukamaa. On factors relating to the mental health and its changes at the age of retirement. Follow-up results of the turva-project. Mielenterveyteen ja sen muutoksiin liittyvistä tekijöistä eläkeiässä. Turva-projektin seurantatuloksia • H. Silm, M. Jürisson. The role of psychoemotional and social factors in the development of children's psoriasis • K. Nieminen. Psychosomatic disorders and family dynamics • H. Naukkarinen, R. Rimón. On psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthrits. Nivelreuman psykosomatiikasta • M.K. Lehtimaja. On panic disorders. Paniikkihäiriöstä • M. Ponteva. Psychosomatic disorders in acute catastrophic situations. Psykosomaattiset häiriöt äkillisissä katastrofitilanteissa • Paves, H. Tälli. Vegetovascular dystony in childhood. Vegetovaskulaarne düstoonia lapseeas • L. Boston, T. Rägo. Psychosomatic gastrointestinal disorders in childhood. Psühhosomaatilised seedehäired lastel • H. Silvennoinen. Long-term follow-up study of anorexia nervosa • V. Blokhina, I. Sidelnikova. Nosological diagnostics of cardiodynamic syndrome in psychiatric practice • P. Sorri, M. Vuorinen. The influence of psychiatric consultation on clinical treatment activities. Psykiatristen konsultaatiosuositusten vaikutus hoitavan kliinikon toimintaan • J. Saarma. A new scale for self-assessment of depressive symptoms • Troitski. Ethanol test as a remedy in diagnostics of masked depression • H. Noor, L. Mehilane. Sociopsychological situation and parasuicide incidence in Estonia • S. Sarapuu, R Talvik. Occurrence of metabolic encephalopathy in reanimatological patients. Metaboolne entsefalopaatia reanimatoloogilistel haigetel • M. Lintsi, Т. Jürimäe, M. Rehandi, J. Pedaste. Influence of a single jogging training and a jogging training cycle on the emotional state of healthy female students. Füüsilise treeningu tsükli ja ühe treeningu mõju tervete naisüliõpilaste emotsionaalsele seisundile • Alanko. Psychogenic infertility: Artpsychoterapeutic treatment experiment. Psykogeeninen infertiliteetti: taidepsykoterapeuttinen hoitokokeilu • Aluoja. Effects of relaxation techniques on preoperative anxiety in heart surgery patients • P. Heinälä. Substance abuse and its treatment in Finland • L. Mehilane. Treatment of neurotic anxiety and fear • T. Tamminen. On psychosomatics of panic disorders • Pakaslahti. Prognosis of schizophrenia: A five year follow-up study • M. Virkkunen. Biochemical findings in violent antisocial personality • E. Vasar, J. Harro, A. Soosaar, A. Lang. The changes at cholecystokinin receptors after long-term treatment with diazepam • V. Vasar. Effectiveness of nootropic drugs in the treatment of patients with neurosis • R.V. Koudriavtsev, M.M. Ushakova, I.N. Shumailov. The pharmacokinetics of small doses of ethanol under stress • F. V. Kondratijev. Personality, socio-psycological ecology and psychosomatic disorders. Ф.В. Кондратьев. Личность, социально-психологическая экология и психосоматические расстройства • V. J. Semke, А. N. Gusev. Theoretical and methodological problems of contemporary oncopsychiatry. В.Я. Семке, A.H. Гузев. Теоретико-методологические проблемы современной онкопсихиатрии • J. Šlik. Comparative study of patients with acquired personality disorders. Я. Шлик. Сравнительная характеристика больных с различными вариантами приобретенных личностных расстройств • М. Teiverlaur. Attitude towards future and its relationship with anxiety in patients with depressive neurosis. M. Хейверлаур. Отношение к своему будущему и его связь с психической тревожности у больных депрессивным неврозом • S. N. Oskolkova. Psychosomatic disorders as a reason for diagnostic discord in forensic psychiatry. C.H. Осколкова. Психосоматические нарушения как одна из причин диагностических расхождений в судебной психиатрии • М. Häkele. Peculiarities of psychic status of patients with neurological syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis. M.X. Хакеле. Особенности психического состояния больных неврологическими синдромами шейного остеохондроза • М. Saarma, L. Mehilane, Н. Vasar. Effectiveness of ammonium chloride in the treatment of depressive patients. M.M. Саарма, Л. Мехилане, X.P. Bacap Эффективность хлористого аммония при лечении депрессивных больных • R. Suija. About activities of the Tartu temperance society "Friend of temperance". P.A. Суйя. О деятельности Тартуского общества "Друг трезвости" • А. N. Nehamkis. The investigation of functional state of nervous system in electricians. A.H. Нехамкис. Исследования функционального состояния нервной системы • Sisukord. ContentsenjätkväljaandedTartu Ülikoolpsühhosomaatilised haigusedartiklikogumikudТруды по медицине. Psühhosomaatilised häired = Psychosomatic disorders = Психосоматические расстройстваBook