Krivonosova, IuliiaSerrano-Iova, Radu-Antonio2021-09-162021-09-162021 article suggests that law modelling (using Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN) could make electoral laws more comprehensible to different stakeholders, and in particular, to election administration, especially in the cases of complex elections with multiple voting channels. This solution helps election administrators to translate the complexity of electoral laws into clear instructions. By this, election administration can adapt to the frequent changes in laws, reach better regulatory compliance, and address the barriers they meet during the delivery of the elections, like overtasking and lack of institutional memory. As a proof of the concept, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution by modelling one voting channel available in the 2019 parliamentary elections in Estonia, advance voting. The article contributes to the theory on election administration, and suggests how this solution could be used in practice: in the field of the electoral law, and outside of it.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationaldesign science researchEstoniaBPMNelection administrationlaw modellingelectoral lawvalimisseadusseaduse mudeldamineseadusloomevalimisteenistusäriprotsessi kaeveEestidisaini teadusFrom the Parliament to a Polling Station: How to Make Electoral Laws More Comprehensible to Election Administratorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article