Ugur, Kadri, juhendajaKrjutškova, KatariinaTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212009 who reverbrated April disturbances – its reactions and influence for them In this bachelor thesis the author has examined the psychological impact of 2007. April disturbances for journalists. How do journalists themselves rate their psychological impact of these events and what Editors could be done to reduce the potential negative effects. Empirical part of work was based on the three semistructured expert interview. Sample belonged to the three Channel 2 reporters who were sent to the riots to make news stories or look for pictorial material. The author uses the empirical results with a theoretical part of the material, which mainly relied on scientific journal articles found in databases, and school crisis and catastrophe psychology lecture materials. Theory of knowledge helped to highlight the specific characteristics of crisisreaction from interviews. Of the empirical work showed that the journalists appeared 26th April riots shocreactions recognition. Also, the interviews were read out to an early reactionphase features. They both are among the first stages of crisisreaction. Journalists themselves, however, did not consider that this event would have psychological impact on them. They stressed that the emotions were still self-reliant and not require any external assistance. Journalists found that a recognition their shared was sufficient, and they did not expected more. Bachelor's thesis on the basis of this, however, it can be argued that April riots recognition of the psychological impact of journalists. Crisis reaction knowledge is essential to the journalists, because then they know how to analyze better the changes taking place in a familiar or more easily, and the associated obstacles to their work to raise awareness and overcome. It is also essential to feel the same crisis reactsions then can journalists write more professional stories of these kind of events. Also, the editorial point of view, it is important to know that so far such events affect the emotional status of workers. These effects may be ignoring the employees' mental and physical health would be put at risk and a longer period of time may lead to loss of valuable employees. It also could be included in the editorial responsibilities of journalists in a traumatic events, mostly because the lack of trained journalists. Thus, they may jeopardize their own health, and may suffer from both news crises as well as the subsequent page, radio, and televison stories.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödmeediaelukutsedajakirjanikudmõjudpsühholoogilised mõjudrahutusedmeeleavaldusedmässudEestiAprillirahutuste kajastamise võimalikud psüühilised reaktsioonid ja mõjud ajakirjanikeleThesis