Davies, Alexander Stewart, juhendajaKaeramaa, ErikTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakond2024-08-052024-08-05202420.03.02 KAE 01https://hdl.handle.net/10062/102118Bakalaureusetöö hüpoteesiks on, et Almagro et al. Artikkel Retraction in Public Settings, annab tõerelativistidele võimaluse esitada empiirilisi andmeid, mis toetavad tõerelativismi seisukohta, et varasemalt tehtud, enam mittekehtivad väited, mis sisaldavad maitsepredikaate, peab tagasi võtma vähemalt siis, kui väited on tehtud avalikus sfääris. Hüpotees leiab leiab kinnitust.In conclusion, the results presented in the article Public Retractions offers the relativist a way to respond to the results presented in the article Predicates of Personal Taste. If the results in Predicates of Personal taste showed, that ordinary language speaker`s intuitions do not support retraction of statements that involve predicates of personal taste, then the results in Public Retractions show, that ordinary language speakers think that in public settings, it is necessary to retract statements that involve predicates of personal taste and are no longer true.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniafilosoofiaphilosophybakalaureusetöödOn Retraction: a way for the truth-relativist to respond to the truth-contextualistTagasivõtmisest: kuidas tõerelativist saaks vastata kontekstualistile?Thesis