Reinsalu, Kristina, juhendajaRüütel, KarmenTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212009„Link "Ametnik vastab" of website of local government Tartu as a meaning of eengagement”. The aim of Bachelor’s thesis was to analyze, how Estonian local government uses information technology to engage citizens. The case study was link „Ametnik vastab“ and how it is used for e-engagement. It is a place (of website of Estonian local government Tartu), where citizens can ask questions and then government officials should answer them. Important concepts of thesis are participatory democracy, engagement, participation and most important are e-democracy, e-engagement and e-participation. Theoretic basis is based on the role of information technology in communication management of public sector and especially local government, the history of information technology development in Estonian public sector and motivation to e-engagement and eparticipation. As a research method, the combined quantitative and qualitative content analysis was used. It is the most effective method to get an overview of how this link is working. The analysis unit that was used was one question with refering answer. Selection was composed of 60 question-answers witch belonged to „social problems“. The essential categories were 25: placement of question, subject, receiver, asker, date of question, usage of interactive map, respondent, department, where respondent works, (respondent) contacts, date of answer, form of question (question, resolution etc), sphere of question, emotional questions and in answers, useful information for other citizens etc. The search results were showed as statistics and illustrative charts. These were combined with citations from questions and answers. The outcome shows the bottlenecks in the link of „Ametnik vastab“. It presents the opportunities to fix them to make the link more user-friendly. It is important to improve e-engagement and to guarantee its effects.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödinfoühiskonde-riikavalik teavelinnavalitsusedkohalikud omavalitsusedTartu Linnavalitsuse rubriik "Ametnik vastab" e-kaasamise vahendinaThesis