Rajamäe, Pilvi, juhendajaMölder, SigridTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Inglise filoloogia osakond2020-10-142020-10-142020http://hdl.handle.net/10062/69906In my thesis, I am going to discuss the unconventional courtship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy. I have chosen the novel Pride and Prejudice as my basis for the thesis as Jane Austen reflects how people lived their social life during the eighteenth and the nineteenth century England in it. The purpose of the paper is to find out the following: what are the rules of social etiquette and how the rules are followed between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy in Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalbakalaureusetöödAusten, Janetegelaskujudkirjandusajaloolised aspektidsotsiaalsed normidregendistiilThe unconventional courtship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceThesis