Villems, AnneDuvin, TaaviAavisto, Rain2017-04-262017-04-262014äesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on koostada õppematerjal ettevõtte Dexter Industries poolt loodud WiFi sensorist ning selle ühildamisest LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotiga. Töö sisu on jaotatud kolme peatükki. Esimesena antakse ülevaade WiFi päritolust ja selle levikust. Teises peatükis heidetakse pilk WiFi sensori tehnilistele detailidele ning selle NXT’le paigaldamise protsessile. Viimaks vaadeldakse, milliseid ülesandeid ja protseduure mainitud sensori ja NXT roboti koostöös sooritada saab.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to assemble learning materials in Estonian about the WiFi sensor created by Dexter Industries and making it compatible with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Firstly, an overview of the history and spread of WiFi is given. The second chapter is dedicated to taking a closer look at the technical details of the WiFi sensor and its assembly process to the NXT. The final chapter lists various tasks and procedures that can be carried out using the WiFi sensor together with the NXT.estLEGO Mindstorms NXT’ga ühilduv WiFi sensorLEGO Mindstorms NXT compatible WiFi SensorThesis