Veldi, Enn, juhendajaPõldma, KätlinTartu Ülikool. Inglise filoloogia osakondTartu Ülikool. Filosoofiateaduskond2014-09-192014-09-192014-09-19 ÜLIKOOL TÕLKEKESKUS Kätlin Põldma A Dictionary of Japanese Management and Business Culture. Jaapani ärijuhtimise ja -kultuuri seletav sõnastik. (magistritöö) 2014 Lehekülgede arv: 137 The dictionary compiled in the framework of this MA project introduces 319 terms used in English texts in connection with Japanese management and business culture. As Japanese business culture has characteristic features and cultural nuances that need to be understood by those coming into contact with Japanese companies in the business context, this dictionary aims at explaining the cultural and linguistic aspects of relevant terms, with particular emphasis placed on the use of Japanese terms in English. The MA project comprises and introductory part, in which the main characteristics of Japanese management and business culture, the role of the Japanese language in English, the compilation process and principles of the dictionary and the problems encountered are outlined. This is followed by the dictionary, in which the terms are provided with definitions in English, example sentences and, in the case of Japanese terms, with the headword in Japanese script and an explanation of its literal meaning and structure, where relevant. The dictionary is based on various books and articles on Japanese business, glossaries found online as well as some corpora.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessjaapani ettevõtte juhtiminejaapani ärikultuursõnastikudmagistritöödA Dictionary of Japanese Management and Business CultureThesis