Kõuts-Klemm, Ragne, juhendajaJõerand, Ragne2010-10-212010-10-212005http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15471The BA – level research ,, The representation of unemployed in the newspapers Eesti Päevaleht and Postimees in 1994 – 2004 „ seeks to evaluate who are the main and supporting characters in the media texts related to unemployed and unemployment. In Estonian society is prevaling an opinion that the unemployed people don`t want to seek actively solutions for their situation, that they prefere to stay passive. As media is the main source we get our concious and subconcius opinions about world, it is important to investigate how media represents the unemployed people in their texts. People tend to think and see the world through the eyes of media. So the media representation of unemployed can determine a great deal how the society relates to unemployed. My main purpose was to find out what characters were represented the most and which characters the least. Also I tried to figure out in which form – being passive or active, more talking or doing, in supportive role or leading role, the characters were represented. In research I also took account the age, nationality, gendre and place of action figures. For research I used a quantitative content analysis. According to my research results the assumption that unemployed people are passive and are not interested in solving their problems, proved wrong. In the newspaper Eesti Päevaleht, the unemployed people were represented as the main characters actively seeking solutions to their problems in 32 % ( 30 articles) from whole selection of articles, which was 95. In Postimees, the unemployed people were represented in the same position in 26 % (24 articles). The whole selection of articles for Postimees was 94. The main activity of unemployed people where jobseeking, taking additonal training and finding out how to establish their own company. But I must mention that in few cases the activities of unemployed people were not so positive – they killed and robbed. Compering the results of characters`voicing it occured that in Postimees the politicians and governmental organizations have more access to media as to tell their opinion than the unemployed do. In Eesti Päevaleht the situation was opposite – the voice of unemployed people and non-governmental organisations (labour unions) was made more heard. The research showed that there was no active dialogue going on in neither newspapers between government and unemployed people and labour union as their representative. In conclusion it is important to point out, that as to help to solve the unemployment problem in Estonia in whole, it is important to initiate the dialogue between these two groups and media is the most suitable place for that.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödajakirjandustööpuudusEesti Päevaleht (ajaleht)Postimees (ajaleht)Töötute representatsioon Eesti Päevalehes ja Postimehes 1994-2004Thesis