Bardone, Emanuele, juhendajaHassan, Muhammad Imran binTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Haridusteaduste instituut2024-07-092024-07-092024 study investigates caregivers’ perspectives on GenAI chatbots for learning activities with young children aged 3-7 in Singapore. How caregivers utilize Generative AI chatbots with children, and their views on its impact, are explored. Findings reveal that caregivers actively employ Generative AI chatbots to enhance children’s learning. While some caregivers embrace this technology, others remain cautious. Challenges include establishing effective school-home partnerships and ensuring safe use. As Generative AI evolves, educators and caregivers must adapt their practices to harness its potential in both home and school settings.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniaGenerative AIchatbotscaregiversparentsyoung childrenlearningschool-home partnershipSingaporetehisintellektväikelapsekasvatusmagistritöödPerspectives of generative AI chatbot usage among caregivers of young children aged 3–7 in SingaporeThesis