Rajamäe, Pilvi, juhendajaMeriste, LiisaTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Inglise filoloogia osakond2019-06-112019-06-112019http://hdl.handle.net/10062/64153The aim of the present thesis is to investigate Ann Radcliffe’s use of landscapes and man-made structures for the creation of the atmosphere of terror in her Gothic novel The Italian. The main purpose is to explore, based on examples from the novel, how the use of various landscapes and man-made structures characteristic of the Gothic fiction genre attributes to the creation of the desired effect of terror.engopenAccessAutorile viitamine + Mitteäriline eesmärk + Tuletatud teoste keeld 3.0 EestiinglisegootikahirmkirjandusanalüüsbakalaureusetöödAnn Radcliffe's use of landscapes and man-made structures for the creation of the atmosphere of terror in her gothic novel "The Italian"Thesis