Gallai, Sándor, juhendajaToomla, Raul, juhendajaMitalova, GulzadaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut2022-10-212022-10-212022 with the unprecedented migration flow in Europe, 2015-2016 period marked the date of the increased visibility of the four Central European states, otherwise known as Visegrad Four group. The Visegrad Four earned its fame by staying united against the EU proposals on tackling the migration crisis and soon became the focus of many academic queries. Along such academic line, this research too focuses on the case of Visegrad cooperation during the migration crisis and attempts to challenge already existing theoretical model on international cooperation with this particular case study. The selected theoretical model developed by Blondin & Boin (2020) put forward eight factors based on the collective action and crisis management theories which, according to the authors, explain the reasons states decide to cooperate in times of crisis. This research employs the pattern-matching technique to compare between the expected patterns derived from the aforementioned theoretical model and observed patterns based on the case of the Visegrad Four. As a result of the pattern matching analysis, the study confirmed four factors such as repeated interaction, feasible solutions, a small number of actors, trusted leadership to be true in the case of the Visegrad Four cooperation, while crisis exposure was just partially confirmed and the remaining factors such as domestic politicization, interdependence, and coordination mechanism were disconfirmed.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalmagistritöödVisegrad Four cooperation during the migration crisisThesis