Kiisel, Maie, juhendajaVasarik, MartaTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakond2010-10-212010-10-212007 aim of this dissertation „Crisis communication on the example of the contamination of North-East and North Estonia“ is to analyse the action taken by the media reflected by the memories of the parties involved in the crises of oil contamination in North-East and North Estonia that took place in 2006. Crises communication is often analysed rather through the practical public relations, however the aim of this dissretation is to create a larger interpretation for the crises and crises communication in the Estonian society. It is based on the media texts in the three biggest Estonian national dailies - (Postimees, Eesti Päevaleht, SL Õhtuleht) during a nine week period. It is supported by the interviews of the representatves of the Border Guard, environmental inspection, Estonian Rescue Board, The Prosecutors Office, Estonian Fund for Nature, foreign office and home office. The analyses is done by the classification of the crises by Ney and Molenaars (1999), that aims to explore the positions different sides took within this crises. The classification is based on two scales – fatalist versus the ruler or the controller and the uncontroller and the individualist versus egitarist or the person that values his/her own interest more than he does the interests of the others and his/her opposite. From the point of view of communication tactics I tried to analyse the recognition, justification, denial, apologising, correction and statng the obvious. The research proved that the officials that managed the crises and the involved positoned themselves as the the rulers and put the interests of the society first. The leaders on the governmental level represented the fatalistic or uncontrolling crises type, with the exception of the home secretary, who positioned himself on the opposite side of the scale in the beginning of the crises and also took the role of the controller and person responsible. The representatives from the third sector and other interested parties represented mostly the fatalistic or uncontrolling crises type. Most parties put their individual interests aside with the exception of the environmental secretary. Even though the governing risks are known, they are not all accounted for. Disasters are taken as they come and every new one is approached with experience from the previous one, even though from exactly the same level of preparedness.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)suhtekorralduskommunikatsioonmittetulundussektorkriisikommunikatsioonkriisidkeskkondsaastamineveereostusnaftareostusbakalaureusetöödKriisikommunikatsioon Loode- ja Põhja-Eesti rannikuala reostusjuhtumi näitelThesis