Tampere, Kaja, juhendajaReinsalu, Kristina, juhendajaLänkur, Laimi2010-10-212010-10-212005http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15482In this bachelor thesis I research the internal communication in the context of change by the example of Public Service Academy of Estonia. The theoretical material is divided into four main parts: a short overview of formal organization and the meaning of communication in this context, internal communication, organizational change and communication in the process of change. The empirical part of the thesis consists of two surveys: 1) interviews with 17 employees (leaders and academic personnel); 2) questionnaire among 27 persons from different departments and positions (leaders, officials, academic personnel). I summarize the empirical material in theme blocks and draw conclusions about the different aspects of internal communication, identity and organizational climate in the academy in the context of change. Suggestions for improving the communication are represented in the part of discussion. According to this bachelor thesis can be said, that the process of change is complicated, where problems often emerge during the reorganization. The academy is percieved as changing, developing, fragmented and chaotic organization. There exists some mistrust and unsatisfaction concerning the management and the organizational climate is not percieved as open in the academy. Some conflicts and uncertainty in the organization can be noticed. The identity of the academy is percieved as vanishing because of the changes. There are also some problems in the internal communication: unsystematic communication is partly the reason why the information flow is too slow, cooperation between the departments is insufficient and the process of participation of the employees is not effective. A number of the problems arised from reorganizations are corelated with deficient communication, incoordination of activities and insufficient planning. The survey represents that there is no general resistance to the organizational change but more justifications, a concrete vision and clearly defined objectives are needed by the employees. It is important that the academy has the resource of motivated employees who contribute to the organizational development. They should be more integrated in the decision process. The academy is rapidly developing and changing. Problems, often inevitably emerging in the process of change, could be reduced by a systemic and well organized internal communication.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödorganisatsioonidorganisatsioonikommunikatsioonsisekommunikatsioonSisekaitseakadeemiaOrganisatsioonisisene kommunikatsioon muudatuste kontekstis Sisekaitseakadeemia näitelThesis