Vihalemm, Triin, juhendajaProosa, AnniTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2011-07-222011-07-222011 basis of communication strategy for Tartu Science Park: resident-firms communication The aim of the master thesis was to map communication problems Tartu Science Park (also TSP) has with resident-firms and to create a communication strategy for resident-firm communication. The strategy also incorporates communication goals and messages to other crucial target groups, since no strategic work has been done in that field. The main problems are resident-firms’ image of Tartu Science Park as a real estate, encapsulation to one’s workspace and minor interest in Science Park’s daily activity. TSP has limited possibilities to take up communication as strategically planned organisation management tool, because of project based financing, lack of time and disunity of project managers’ work assignments. Communication is not prioritized as return in communication can not be measured at a blink of an eye. Tartu Science Park doesn not have communication specialist and hence there is no strategical planning, only the necessary activities are being done. The deeper analysis of communication problems revealed that it is not possible to solve problems accumulated by years and changes need to be done in organisation management, too. Communication has to become important. It is the precondition of networking and innovation, which Science Park’s environment already supports. But it is the lack of social environment enabling to develop collaboration. Thus, current strategy can only sooth problems and not cure them. The real purpose of resident-firms communication is creating synergy. However, appropriate ground should be established at first – getting residents out of their shell and introduce to each other. Communication is the key in that process.etmagistritöödTartu Teaduspargi kommunikatsioonistrateegia lähtealusedThesis