Eisenschmidt, EveLöfström, Erika2014-05-132014-05-132011http://hdl.handle.net/10062/40578The Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network (TEPE) was established with the overarching aim to develop teacher education policy recommendations at institutional, national and European levels. TEPE is an academic network that builds on previous European collaborative initiatives on teacher education policy, e.g. TNTEE and EUDORA. Today, its central goals relate to: 1) Advancing research in and on Teacher Education, 2) Increasing mobility and extending the European Dimension in Teacher Education, 3) Enhancing quality through the renewal of evaluation cultures in Teacher Education.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessteachingteaching qualityeducation policyteacher competencyinnovationteacherspedagogical psychologye-learninge-coursesõpetamineE-ÕpeE-KursusõpetajakoolitusHariduspoliitikaHariduse kvaliteetÕpetajakompetentsInnovatsioonÕpetamise kvaliteetõpetajadPedagoogiline psühholoogiaDeveloping Quality Cultures in Teacher Education: Expanding Horizons in Relation to Quality Assuranceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper