Lõhmus, Maarja, juhendajaÜprus, TeeleTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2011-07-222011-07-222011http://hdl.handle.net/10062/18156The aim of this bachelor thesis on the subject Children And Youth Broadcasts On Estonian Radio From The 1960‟s Until Today: interviews with editors was to find out what the programmes aimed at young people were like in the 1960‟s, in the beginning of the 1990‟s and at the end of 2000. Also, to point out the main differences between the periods as well as to learn about the children and youth‟s interest in radio shows in 2011. To obtain the necessary information for this thesis, interviews with children or youth broadcast editors were conducted, six of whom worked on the radio in the 1960s, one in the beginning of the 1990s and one who is currently employed as an editor of such programmes. In addition, four children and four youths were interviewed to learn about their habits of listening to broadcasts in 2011. Furthermore, the newspapers “Raadioleht” from the ‟60‟s and ‟90‟s were analysed to find out about specific facts. Throughout time several changes have taken place concerning children‟s shows. Although the content and subjects have stayed almost the same as children have always had the same kind of interests, the duration of the shows has decreased. The broadcasts used to be on air seven days a week, but in 2011 the shows are broadcast only on weekdays except for daily bedtime stories. Also, the number of shows has declined; today there are only four children‟s shows on Vikerraadio, whereas during the Soviet times the number of broadcasts was considerably higher. The orientation of youth programmes has stayed more or less the same throughout the years. Narrowcasting has always been problematic as the notion of „youth‟ can be widely interpreted; in addition, the range of subjects for young people is similar to the ones targeted at adults. Whilst during the Soviet times the youth broadcasts were aired a few times a week, then in 1993 a radio station for youths, Raadio 2, was founded. From the interviews with the children and the teens it became apparent that they are mostly interested in radio stations that play music. They do not listen to talk shows because of lack of time and interest. They have many extracurricular activities, and in the evenings, when they would have time to listen to the radio, no programmes directed to them are on air. According to the editors, the programmes targeted at children and youths should be maintained in the future as talk shows on the radio play an important role in the life of each individual. Children‟s shows should be continued the way they have been; youth broadcasts do not need to be accentuated – they should just be included in the programme. Although broadcasts can be listened to on the Internet after they have been aired, radio shows can also take advantage of other possibilities provided by the World Wide Web.etEesti RaadioraadioajakirjandusraadioraadioringhäälingraadiosaatedlastesaatednoortesaatedajakirjandusajalugubakalaureusetöödLaste- ja noortesaated Eesti Raadios 1960ndatest tänapäeva: intervjuud toimetajategaThesis