Harro-Loit, Halliki, juhendajaLepp, AnneliTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212008http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15733The purpose of this masters thesis „The Economics of Programming for Commercial Television“ was to create a teaching material, which gives an overview of how television market in Estonia works and how programming is done at the same time serving the intrests of the viewers and the advertisers ans helps to develop media literacy in Estnia. It is meant to be used by collage and university students taking a course in media in order to help them understand the way media economics work in commercial television and how it affects the program seen on TV every day. This descriptive teaching material, based on qualitative reasearch, in one of the first tries to put Estonian commercial television practices into a wider media- and programtheoretical backround. It is based on nine expert interviews with people responsible for programming and the things which affect that on two major commercial television channels in Estonia. The teaching material consists of six different chapters giving an overview of the following: Estonian commercial television market, biggest influencial sources on economics of television (reiting, commercials), the economics of programming, heritage and cost of the procurement program and local production, basic aspects of television production in Estonia. For teaching purposes some extra elements have been added to the text. Each chapter has a lead to the subject, some key words pointed out, an estimated knowledge (what the student should hopefully know after studying the material) and special assignments which encourage them to think analytically or reflect the knowledge they have just gained.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)magistritöödtelevisioontelekanalidkommertsmeediatelesaatedreklaamtelereklaammeediamajandusmeediatööstusEesti eratelevisiooni programmimajandusThesis