Meriste, Heidy, juhendajaAasmäe, Tristan CzarTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakond2024-06-072024-06-072024 1977, director and screenwriter Roman Polański was convicted of engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor. However, prior to the conclusion of the trial, he fled the United States and remains a fugitive. Despite these serious matters he maintained his accepted position in the film industry and has even become one of its most respected figures. The aim of this thesis is to provide ethical reasoning against watching Roman Polański’s films, thus offering the average consumer an example of engaging with the works of immoral artists. Films can be watched both privately and publicly. Privately consuming the work of an immoral artist is morally problematic because it can cultivate admiration for the artist. Consequently, consumers may reassess their moral standards, diminishing the perceived severity of moral transgressions. On the other hand, public consumption presents more reasons why it is morally problematic. Public consumption of Roman Polański’s films carries an approving message that may trivialize the suffering of victims of similar crimes. Furthermore, the collective consumption of these films may condone the artist’s actions, inadvertently normalizing immoral behavior. It affects Roman Polański’s perception of his actions and fosters a broader societal normalization of wrongdoing. Additionally, contributing to Roman Polański’s success and thereby granting him societal benefits, undermines the fair retribution for immoral actions.1977. aastal vahistati hinnatud režissöör ja stsenarist Roman Polański kahtlustatuna 13aastase Samantha Geimeri uimastamises ja vägistamises. Süüdi mõisteti ta vaid alaealisega seksuaalvahekorda astumises ning karistuseks määrati talle 90päevane vangistus, millest pidi täitma ainult 42 päeva. Pikema vanglakaristuse vältimiseks põgenes Polański Ameerika Ühendriikidest sünniriiki Prantsusmaale, kus jätkas edukat karjääri filmitööstuses. Alates sellest juhtumist võib Roman Polańskit pidada ebamoraalseks kunstnikuks ning käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärk oligi näidata, et Roman Polański kui ebamoraalse kunstniku filmide tarbimine on ebamoraalne.etAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniafilosoofiabakalaureusetöödEbamoraalse kunstniku Roman Polański loomingu tarbimise vastuAgainst the consumption of films made by the immoral artist Roman PolańskiThesis