Srirama, Satish NarayanaPaniagua, CarlosHalapuu, PätrisTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika-informaatikateaduskondTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut2013-09-062013-09-062013 kümne aasta jooksul on mobiilsed seadmed nagu näiteks nutitelefonid, sülearvutid, pihuarvutid jne saanud lahutamatuks osaks igapäeva elust. See aga on tekitanud nõudluse võimsamate, kiiremate ja energiasäästlikumate seadmete järgi. Lisaks on iOSi ja Androidi operatsioonisüsteemide väljalaske tõttu suurenenud nii mobiilirakenduste arv kui ka keerukus. Sarnane areng on toimunud ka veebiteenuste valdkonnas ja nutitelefonides on ligi-pääs veebiteenustele muutunud elementaarseks. See aga on viinud järgmise sammuni – veebiteenuste pakkumine otse nutitelefonidest. See kontseptsioon pole uus ja seda on põh-jalikult uurinud S. N. Srirama, kes pakkus välja Mobile Host (Mobiilne Veebiteenuse Pak-kuja) lahenduse 2006. aastal, ning mida on C. Paniagua uuendanud Android OS’ile aastal 2012 kasutades REST arhitektuuri ja OSGi’t. P2P (Peer-to-Peer ehk partnervõrk) põhinevad programmid nagu näiteks failide jagamine ja sõnumite saatmine on tänapäeval arvutikasutajate seas laialdaselt levinud. Ar-vutid üle maailma on ühendatud omavahel ja jagavad ressursse selles süsteemis ilma keskse serverita. Iga arvuti selles võrgus on võrdne sel moel, et on võimeline ligi pääsema ja alla laadima ressursse teistest masinatest selles süsteemis. Töö kirjeldab põgusalt Mobile Hosti, P2P arhitektuuri, valitud P2P BitTorrenti pro-tokolli ja kuidas neid tehnoloogiaid kasutati P2P hajusa failide jagamise süsteemi loomi-seks. Uurimuse käigus arendati välja hajus failide jagamise süsteem Mobile Hosti lisana kasutades BitTorrenti protokollil põhinevat C++ keeles kirjutatud Libtorrenti teeki. Valmi-nud programm on võimeline looma torrent faili, avama ja laadima ning jagama vastavaid faile. Lisaks on võimalik muuta failide hoiustamise asukohta ja määrata mõningaid ses-siooni seadeid nagu näiteks alla ja üles laadimise kiirust piirata ning porti määrata. Failide jagamise teenust pakkuvate seadmete otsingu lihtsustamiseks seati üles Apache SOLR 4.2.0 veebiteenus serverisse millega suhtlus käib automaatselt.Mobile devices such as tablets, PDAs, mobile phones etc. have developed rapidly during last decade and become inseparable part of people’s everyday life. These devices are equipped with embedded sensors, camera, touchscreen, more memory, powerful processor, mobile 3G and 4G networks and Wi-Fi capability as well as efficient power consumption mechanisms. These improvements have led to mobile devices being able to perform tasks that usually personal computers are capable of. What is more due to release of Android OS and iOS applications for such mobile devices have increased as well as their complexity. Being online has become ubiquitous as Wi-Fi and mobile data networks are available in most of the places. For example over 45% of world’s population is covered by 3G mobile network [2]. Needlessly to say that makes using web services form mobile devices a com-mon thing. Such improvements lead to next generation of services which can be provided not only from dedicated servers but also from mobile phones. The concept of mobile web services provisioning is not new and has been in the ground for some time. Srirama et al. proposed the concept of Mobile Host [3] in 2006 where the mobile device acts as service provider. Mobile Host enables seamless integration of user specific services to the enterprise by following web service standards, also on the radio link and via resources constrained smart phones. Moreover Mobile Host fosters the new generation of ubiquitous and context-aware applications enabling the consumption of web services anywhere at any time from the handset. Mobile Host has been updated to latest technologies like for example REST archi-tecture which replaced SOAP so web services would be focused on systems resources. Early versions of Mobile Host were developed in PersonalJava and J2ME and meant for Symbian devices but as now the biggest share in smart phones market is held by Android then Mobile Host was upgraded for that platform by Paniagua [4] in 2012. Contribution of this thesis was to develop Peer-to-Peer (P2P) distributed file shar-ing system to Mobile Host for Android. This feature comes in handy when we talk about services that enables file sharing. As Mobile Host by its nature can join or leave network at any moment then accessing files that client is interested in becomes critical as file to be downloaded would be offered only by one provider as in regular client-server architecture. P2P distributed file sharing capability for Mobile Host provides users more reliable file sharing environment in distributed manner as files are downloaded as pieces from all the online peers who have pieces of desired file. What is more, small metadata torrent files are hosted by Mobile Hosts and published as a service. This setup assures the independency from other platforms and hosts.enbakalaureusetöödinformaatikainfotehnoloogiainformaticsinfotechnologyPartnervõrgul baseeruva hajusa failijagamissüsteemi loomine kasutades Mobile Host’iEstablishing Peer-to-Peer Distributed File Sharing System With Mobile HostThesis