Jakobson, Valeria, juhendajaSetina, JekaterinaTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212008http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15723The purpose of this Bachelor`s thesis was to investigate, how was interpreted the transition of schools with Russian teaching language to Estonian one in Russian and Estonian newspapers all over Estonia in 2007. The methods that I have chosen, i.e. Quality and Quantity text research, helped me to answer all research questions and to prove my hypotheses. All in all, 74 articles from eight different newspapers were processed. The results of the analysis showed that the Russian press in Estonia is interpreting the transition of schools with Russian teaching language to Estonian quite neutrally or even positively. However, it has to be noticeable that in this case are criticized not the reform`s goals as themselves, but the preliminary work, that was done before the reform. Articles with positive remark are met rarely and, in general, they are connected with an argument about the official language studying. Estonian language newspapers at the same time emphasize that the Russian schools` reform raises the competitive capacity of Russian pupils and affect positively on the whole process of integration. The interesting fact is that in both cases the only people, who interpret the reform and express their own opinions about this problem, are ordinary journalists. The position of teachers and pupils in Russian schools is not moved to the foreground. It was also found out that in medium- texts the teachers` stuff is usually presented as the passive one, since in newspapers there was not published any information about the activities of teachers` groups. In this connection it is possible to assert that the reform`s interpretation is not so many-sided and impartial, as it could be. The analysis of arguments shows that Russian printed press in Estonia pays a lot of attention to fact, that the State was not enough occupied with preliminary work, therefore there are no any adapted study materials and qualified teachers, who are able to lecture in Estonian language. It is clear, that this work can not be done in one hour and it is impossible to carry out the reform successfully without thorough preparation. And it is obligatory to note all the previous researches and that they proved the same things, even those, which were made 10 years ago (For example, Larissa Vassiltšenko, Tiia Pedastsaare, Maie Solli, Ulve Kala ja Silvia Kera “Venekeelse kooli erinevate mudelitega seotud ootused ja kartused”, 1998). However, one may insist that the parliament and the Government of Estonia did not take these conclusions into account.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)meediatrükiajakirjandusharidusõppeasutusedkoolisüsteemidõppekavadõppekorraldusvenekeelsedbakalaureusetöödVene õppekeelega koolide eestikeelsele õppele ülemineku kajastamisest Eesti vene- ja eestikeelsetes ajalehtedes aastal 2007Thesis