Soosaar, KaidoLäänelaid, AlarYe, XiaozhouTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond2018-05-142018-05-142016 study investigates the influence of shortwave radiation (albedo is calculated to characterize the absorption of shortwave radiation), temperature and relative humidity on biomass growth of two coniferous species in boreal forest. Stem circumferences are measured for calculating daily biomass growth rate and calculated growth rate is analysed by statistical method for revealing its possible correlations to environmental factors (shortwave radiation, temperature and relative humidity). Comparisons between biomass growth rate and environmental factors are also made for finding correlation. Temperature sets lower limit for biomass growth. Biomass growth rate is found dependent on the values of albedo, meaning absorption of shortwave radiation dominates growth. Relative humidity is found negatively dependent on temperature. However, there is no statistical dependence of growth rate found on temperature and relative humidity, although some extreme temperatures and relative humidity are noticed affecting growth rate through evaporation (temperature affects negatively and relative humidity affects positively). The model on the relationship between values of albedo and temperature in the process of glucose absorption is also revealed and albedo is regarded to dominate such a process. Connections among these environmental factors are found and the affecting mechanism is established finally. Besides, species-specific difference of response to shortwave radiation between Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) is revealed.engopenAccessBiomass growthboreal forestalbedorelative humidityRelationships between Environmental Factors and the Growth of Above-Ground Biomass in Boreal ForestThesis