Toomla, Rein, juhendajaMäe, IndrekTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituut2012-11-132012-11-132012 topic of this Bachelor thesis is „Recognitional solidarity or dissolidarity of Organization of the Islamic Conference in the direction of islamic countries: Kosovo example“. The questionable solidarity issue is important in the islamic world because the islamic religion says that solidarity and unity are the most important aspects in taking decisions by government or state. Almost half of the members of OIC do not follow that principle and are not solidary with the new states of the same religion. Kosovo is a good example – the state is not recognised by half of OICs members and it is important to research why this is. Firstly, it is important to describe in what conditions a state has a right for recognision. The islamic law is slightly different form the International law.The first chapter describes the differences and the priorities that have to be accepted by islamic state who wants to be recognised by other islamic states and International community. Secondly there is an assessement which tries to find out if Kosovo has a right for recognition by islamic and International community based on the criterias described in the first chapter. Kosovo have the match with most of the criterias and thus it can be said that islamic countries are not solidary with each other based on recognition problem. The third part of bachelor thesis describes the reasons why there is no solidarity between OIC members and the new islamic states. The most important reason is connected to the fact that dissolidary OIC’s member states have very good relations with Russia, who is not intrested in recognising Kosovo. So, Russia has huge influence to OIC members that do not recognise Kosovo. There are also other reasons for lack of solidarity within islamic world. For example the distribution of the islamic religion and the problems connected with the minorities in the different OIC’s member states.ettunnustamine (pol., jur.)islamismsolidaarsusrahvusvahelised suhtedKosovobakalaureusetöödIslami Koostööorganisatsiooni liikmete solidaarsus või mittesolidaarsus usukaaslaste de jure tunnustamisel: Kosovo näideRecognitional solidarity or dissolidarity of Organization of the Islamic Conference in the direction of islamic countries: Kosovo exampleOther