Rosenberg, Age, juhendajaJürma, MerilinTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2012-06-152012-06-152012 involvement practices in the Ministry of Education and Research. Public organizations have certain missions, structure, hierarchy, power and authority lines. The structures are complex, multi-level and decisions are made in different lines. Structural changes cause uncertainty among employees, workplaces are being reduced and employees` social confidence is influenced. Therefore, it is important to share accurate and in time information. Managers have to share information and involve employees in decision-making process to avoid cynicism and resistance about the change. As a result of the involvement the employees involved feel that the change has been their desired change and adapting to change will be faster. In addition, a decision made by involving the members will be more efficient and improved. In this bachelor`s thesis author analyzed organizational involvement practices in decision making process of structural changes, on example of the Ministry of Education and Research (MER). A study found that main purpose of employee involvement in decision-making process is to obtain expertise. Employees are involved to share information and advice on topics related specifically to involved employee`s job field. But decisions are made by management. This is, according to Cabrera et al (2003, Brown & Cregan 2008: 670 kaudu), information sharing work climate - employees in MER are primarily involved through information sharing. The same principle is used when deciding structural changes – the management of MER decides the structural changes by involving the heads of departments when necessary. Employees were not involved to the discussions and negotiations of structural change forced in 1st December 2011. Many employees heard the first time about structural change on Ministry general meeting, where employees’ were introduced the purposes and reasons of the change. According to Vos ja Schoemakeri (2001) the shortage of this kind of decision making process is little employee involvement in the original plans, so the management has to contribute later extra to motivate employees. But in this case the motivation has not been sufficient because some official still do not know why the MER structure had to be hanged. According to Vos ja Schoemakeri (2001: 101) structural change causes uncertainty among the employees, affects employees' social confidence and leads to tensions in communication. Therefore the author suggests to decide structural changes useing human-centric approach. Employees will be involved in the beginning of the change and according to Dean et al (1998: 345) changes will not be for the workers by surprise. Organizational involvement in decision making process lessens the resistance, increases satisfaction (Lawler 1987: 38-39) and the quality of decision is higher (Wagner et al 1997: 50). Thus, employees need to be involved in decision making process to achieve successful outcome. This ensures a higher quality of decision-making, makes the adjustment easier, and thereby improves organizational presentation and effectiveness.etbakalaureusetöödavalik sektorministeeriumidvalitsusasutusedstruktuurimuutusedsisekommunikatsioonorganisatsioonikommunikatsioonmuudatusedsotsiaalne kaasatusEesti. Haridus- ja TeadusministeeriumOrganisatsioonisisene kaasamispraktika struktuurimuudatuste otsustamisel haridus- ja teadusministeeriumi näitelThesis