Vihalemm, Triin, juhendajaVäljaotsa, MeriliTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-09-282010-09-282010 with (potential) volunteers: the case of Children`s Fund of Tartu University Hospital The purpose of this master’s thesis was to research the possibilities of developing succesful and functioning volunteerism in the charity organization Children’s Fund of Tartu University Hospital. Promoting volunteer activity encompasses influencing persons’ behaviour towards the promoter’s desirable way, in the present case to engage in volunteer activity of Children’s Fund and to participate there as an active and persistent volunteer. There are many different approaches to achieve behavioral change, which in given paper are looked upon from a social marketing perspective. This means that promoting volunteer activity will be derived from the target audience’s viewpoint. The thesis consists of five chapters: the first one gives an overview of different theoretical discourses that explain the concept of volunteerism and social marketing. The second part of the paper includes background information about the research object, that is Children’s Fund of Tartu University Hospital. Research methods, research questions and a more accurate description of the objectives of the study are explained in chapter three. The results of the research are presented in chapter four. The last, fifth part of the paper lists the main conclusions and presents practical recommendations for the Childres`s Fund to promote and improve its voluteerism. The study method employed for the empirical part was qualitative analysis in form of interwiews, with which the motives, impulses, barriers and expectations of target audiences were explored. The transcriptions of interwiews were analysed using methodology of content analysis. The results of the study revealed a lot of new information, which can be succesfully applied to promote voluteerism in Children’s Fund of Tartu University Hospital. The most important outcome is that target groups perceive voluteerism overall, and in Children’s Fund, to have many benefits as well as barriers. The thesis also gave a deep overview of the expectations what individuals have for volunteer activity, inter alia in Children’s Fund of Tartu University Hospital. All of this confirms that voluteerism is in many ways comparable with exchange that is characteristic to social marketing, which means that theoretically the perspective of social marketing can be prosperously applied to promote voluteerism. In conclusion, according to the concept of social marketing it is important to emphasize the additional value of volunteer activity mentioned by the target audiences (in the present case, by existent and potential volunteers of the Fund), to overcome obstacles they considered important and to respond to their expectations, which in many cases seemed to vary from person to person.etmagistritöödlapsedvabatahtlikudkodanikualgatusvabatahtlikud organisatsioonidsotsiaalne turundusTartu Ülikool. KliinikummittetulundusühingudSA TÜK Lastefondi vabatahtlikkuse edendamise võimalused:sotsiaalturunduslik vaatenurkThesis