Milani, Fredrik, juhendajaReisberg, Sulev, juhendajaSalamov, MusaTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut2023-10-192023-10-192023, healthcare information is recorded and stored electronically in most countries. Data-driven methods, such as process mining, can be used for analyzing healthcare processes by utilizing electronic health records. However, despite its potential, process mining has not been applied to healthcare settings in Estonia. Therefore, this thesis aims to assess the feasibility of process mining for Estonian healthcare data. Additionally, it researches what are the limitations and suggests improvement ideas. To achieve this objective, cervical cancer screening-related health records were analyzed using Apromore. The main results of this thesis are the list of applicable process mining use cases within the context, their limitations and a set of improvement suggestions. Thus, the contribution of this thesis is beneficial for experts and researchers who are involved in the application of process mining in the healthcare domain.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalprocess miningelectronic healthcare recordsclinical pathwayprocess analysismagistritöödinformaatikainfotehnoloogiainformaticsinfotechnologyProcess mining on Estonian healthcare dataThesis