Rääbus, Piret, juhendajaLoomann, Heleri2015-06-182015-06-182015-06-18http://hdl.handle.net/10062/47295The aim of this thesis was to translate a dissertation of a doctoral student from Estonian into English and provide the doctoral student with the best possible translation through an analysis of the translation problems. The thesis is made up of four major parts. The first part gives a description of the source text and its author. The second part concentrates on the theoretical background of the thesis by introducing semantic translation and the theory of equivalence as the most suitable translation methods to proceed from while translating a legal text that is meant for information purposes and has no legal force. The third part of the thesis includes the translation of the dissertation, i.e. the target text, and the fourth part presents the analysis of the various translation problems encountered while translating the dissertation.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessüliõpilastöödstudent workstõlkeõpetustranslationinterpretingtranslationsemantic translationequivalencetranslation problemslegal termscommon lawAnglo-American lawRoman-German lawTranslation of Dissertation Tortious Liability of the Director to Company’s Creditors, and Analysis of Translation ProblemsThesis