Sööt, Anu, juhendajaReitalu, MarkoTartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. TantsukunstTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond2024-05-312024-05-312024https://hdl.handle.net/10062/99009Traditionally, dance education is thought of as just practical dancing in a dance class. Today, it is not enough to teach steps, but students also need to open the context, background, representatives, vocabulary, history of what they are learning, which as a common denominator we can call the theoretical side of dance. The purpose of this work was to investigate whether, how and to what extent could the theoretical side of dance be integrated into dance education. Based on the aim, the research questions were formulated: 1) Why is theoretical study of dance necessary in dance education?, 2) How should theoretical study of dance be carried out?, 3) In what proportion/volume could theoretical study of dance be in relation to practical study of dance? As a result of the research, it became clear that 1) the understanding of the theoretical study of dance varies from school to school, 2) students are not always ready to accept the theoretical study of dance, because the study of dance is mostly connected with practical activities, 3) the theoretical study of dance is not the goal of any of the interviewed dance education institutions in itself.esttantsuõpetushuviharidustantsTantsu teoreetiline õpe kolme tantsuhuvihariduse asutuse näitelThesis