Tulviste, Tiia, juhendajaMizera, Luule, juhendajaZapasnikova, MarinaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut2012-03-152012-03-152012-03-152012http://hdl.handle.net/10062/24513This study compares the values of estonian and estonian russian schools students and socialisation aims of estonian and estonian russian mothers, from their childrens point of view. Estonian school students are more individualistic, than russian school students, girl more individualistic, than boys. The difference is in importance of relatedness, which is higher among russian schoolchildren. The values of estonian schoolchildren do not depend on education or age of parents, number of children in family. Besides students of estonian russian schools, the importance of autonomy rises with mother’s education; but also, values don’t depend on fathers education, age of parents and number of children in family. The extent of difference between estonian and russian schoolchildren varies, due to age group or education group of parents. As it seems to respondents, their mothers are more collectivistic in their values, than themselves and russian school student’s mothers are more individualistic, than mothers of estonian schoolchildren.etõpilasedveneeestiväärtuskasvatuslapsevanema-lapse suheEesti ja Eestis elavate vene keskkooliõpilaste ja nende vanemate väärtusorientatsioonidOther