Tkaczyk, Alan, juhendajaGoronovski, Andrei, juhendajaKiisk, Madis, juhendajaSanni, Oluwamayowa SharonTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond2017-06-302017-06-302016 new detection system, broad energy high purity germanium detector with software (Genie 2000 software) was used to develop a gamma spectrometric analysis procedure. LabSOCS as a tool in Genie was needed to perform a standard-free calibration measurement. Validation of analysis procedure was important to know if the procedure is fit for purpose.engLabSOCSgamma spectrometricAnalysis procedureHigh purity germanium detectorGeometric characterisationValidationDevelopment and validation of gamma spectrometric analysis procedure using a high purity Germanium detectorThesis