Unt, Aune, juhendajaAeltermann, MaarjaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2011-07-222011-07-222011http://hdl.handle.net/10062/18159The present master’s thesis looks into “OP!” – culture programme in Estonian Television – and its coverage of drama theatre. The analysed period incorporates all 12 seasons when “OP!” has been aired (1999-2011). Methods used in this thesis are both qualitative as well as quantitative with an emphasis on the former. Theoretical chapter encompasses different approaches towards the term “culture”, insights to modernism, postmodernism, consumerism and an overview of programme formats connected with “OP!”. The empirical material provides an overview of the nature of culture programmes in the 1990s and culture programmes aired parallel with “OP!”. The aim of using quantitative method was to analyse “OP!”’s content, choice of subjects and ways of dealing with the subjects. Results emerging from quantitative study indicated that subjects are mostly presented as news: a new premiere, a new exhibition, a new book. There were considerably less discussions, portraits etc. Portraits were also indirectly connected with news. The format of “OP!” has become more conservative, certain rubrics are retained, presentation of subjects is quite monotonous. Estonian art had the broadest coverage in „OP!”, followed by drama theatre. For deeper analysis of drama theatre, qualitative method has been used incorporating a sample of 45 drama theatre stories. The sample included stories related to Andrus Kivirähk, Elmo Nüganen, Mati Unt, NO Theatre and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Drama School. These five persons or institutions were represented in all seasons of „OP!” and reflect Estonian theatre in general. The results of qualitative method confirm the results gained from quantitative analysis. „OP!” mainly uses producers and actors as spokespersons. Incorporating critics and other experts as a distinctive feature to „OP!” is characteristic to the first seasons. The coverage of a performance depends on the theatre – flagships of Estonian theatre are preferred – and on the location of the theatre – mainly Tallinn theatres get the spotlight. „OP!” stories do not give a wider background about the plays – one must be an active viewer of the programme to get an exhaustive portrait of Estonian theatre.etmagistritöödmeediatelevisioontelesaatedkultuurisaatedkultuuriajakirjandusteaterEesti Televisiooni kultuurisaade "OP!" ja sõnateatri kajastamine "OP!"-is aastatel 1999-2011Thesis