Kollist, Hannes, juhendajaPandey, Ashutosh Kumar, juhendajaYarmolinsky, Dmitry, juhendajaParik, HelenTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut2020-06-192020-06-192020http://hdl.handle.net/10062/68118Some aspects of stomatal regulation remain still unclear despite extensive research on finding and characterizing stomatal regulators. As stomata are responsible for controlling plant water loss, the interest to better our understanding of stomatal regulation is constantly growing, as fresh water availability is getting scarce and CO2 and tropospheric O3 levels in the atmosphere are increasing. This study contributes to a large-scale forward genetic screen aimed to identify missing links in stomatal regulation pathways by collection of plant material for mapping, identifying a causal mutation for a phenotype and verifying mapped stomatal regulators. This work identified SDD1 and CTL1 to be involved in stomatal regulationembargoedAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalforward genetic screenstomatal conductancegas exchangemagistritöödMapping of ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutations causing stomatal phenotypesThesis