Bardone, Emanuele, juhendajaJovanović, DraganTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Haridusteaduste instituut2024-07-092024-07-092024 thesis explores the impact of using the Toddle app on third graders' affective engagement. It investigates how integrating this application affects students' motivation and emotional connection to their education. The study highlights the importance of thoughtful technology integration and its potential benefits on student affective engagement. By focusing on the Toddle app, and on one of the vital developmental stages, third grade, the research seeks to provide valuable insights for education professionals on enhancing learning experiences through technology. The findings indicate that the Toddle app can significantly boost students' motivation and emotional connection to their learning. Additionally, this study contributes to the ongoing discussion on technology integration in education.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniatechnology integrationaffective engagementthird-grade classroomToddle appeducational technologyharidustehnoloogiamobiilirakendusedesimene kooliastemagistritöödInvestigating the influence of Toddle app utilization on affective engagement in a third-grade classroomThesis