Allik, Jüri, juhendajaTuppits, DeiviTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut2012-03-152012-03-152012-03-152012 primary goal of the current study was to investigate the possible correlations between demographic factors and social desirability ratings of personality traits. To assess the ratings of social desirability the Estonian adaptation of NEO-PI-3 – the standard questionnaire of the Five-Factor Model (FFM) – was used with social desirability instructions. Informant ratings were compared with self-descriptions given by 1731 genedonors who had rated social desirability of personality traits using NEOPI- 3. Results show that the factor stucture of social desiarability ratings is similar to the factor structure of self-descriptions. The most significant demographical factor was sex, where differences in ratings emerged in warmth, greagariousness, positive emotions, openness to feelings, trust, altruism and tender-mindedness. Positive correlations with social desirability ratings were also found with other assessed factors: age with the subscales of excitement seeking and trust, academical status with excitement seeking and achievement striving, and birthplace with trust and order. Keywords: Social desirability, Demographic factors, Self-descriptionsetenesehinnangisiksuseomaduseddemograafiline analüüsDemograafiliste muutujate mõju isiksuse seadumuste sotsiaalsele soovitavuseleThe effect of demographic factors to social desirability of personality traitsOther