Rosenberg, Age, juhendajaPärn, PiretTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212009 participation in organizations informal activities (The case of Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) Organizations develop their culture through variable strategies. One of them is expressed in informal activities, which are important for better organizational climate and culture. Informal activities are expensive for organizations to organize and that is why they should be reasonable and their purpose should be clear. Also, for the good effects, which come from informal activities, it is important, that workers participate in them. The purpose of this study is to review, how employees understand the need of informal activities, what do they think about them and why they participate. The research is based on Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and interviews were held with Ministry’s employees. The outcome shows that people understand the need of informal activities, but they don’t understand clearly the difference between informal and formal activities. From that comes confusion and mixed feelings so informal activities may lose their purpose. The reasons for participation are not always in connection with social demographics, more important is the way people see and translate them. Also, results show many fears of participation, which can be dealt with and removed. It is important to understand the need of informal activities, but more attention should be paid to the reasons they are held. Research is important to examine participation so trough high involvement organizational outcomes could grow.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödorganisatsioonidministeeriumidvalitsusasutusedorganisatsioonikultuurväärtused (filos.)töötajadüritusedpeodTöötajate osalemine organisatsiooni mitteformaalsetes tegevustes (Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi näitel)Thesis