Lõhkivi, Endla, juhendajaKirch, Frank ChristopherTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakond2020-11-022020-11-02202020.03.02 KIRc 01http://hdl.handle.net/10062/70196In this BA thesis, my aim is to analyze the measurement of corporate social responsibility and the main problems in regard to five accepted measurement methods. To measure the social responsibility, we need to examine it through corporate social performance, which assesses the stakeholders conception – whether the corporation is perceived to be responsible as much as it is in reality. Corporate social responsibility perception or image is vital for companies, as it enhances advantages in operating profit, sales turnover, employment success, brand image, corporate reputation. Introducing the issues and finding possible solutions will aid in evaluating socially responsible. These problems can analysed in terms of the concept of objectivity as it is applied in Philosophy of Science. Heather Douglas introduces the notion of objectivity scattering into eight distinct sub-categories, which offer a variety of tools for the improvement in trustworthiness of evaluating and measuring in science. The subcategories or accounts are first objectivity which is directed to the human interactions with the world – manipulable and convergent objectivity. Second, kinds of objectivity which focus on individual thought process and values, divided into detached objectivity, value-free objectivity and value-neutral objectivity. And third, the accounts of objectivity which examine social processes in knowledge production, spread into three subcategories – procedural, concordant and interactive objectivity. The afore-mentioned sub-categories invoke the possibility to develop the field of evaluating and measuring of corporate social responsibility. Throughout the thesis, the concept of objectivity helps me to describe and overcome the conceptual obstacles in each of the five accepted measuring methods of corporate social responsibility.Käesolevas lõputöös keskendusin viiele ettevõtte sotsiaalse mõju hindamise viisidele sidusrühmade vaatepunktist. Identifitseerisin nendega seotud puudused ja pakkusin neile lahendused Douglase objektiivsuse käsitluse rakendamisega ning vaagisin võimalikke vastuargumente, miks need lahendused ei pruugi alati hindamismeetodit parandada. Leian siiski, et teadusfilosoofiast pärit objektiivsuse käsitlused võimaldavad anda olulise panuse ettevõtte sotsiaalse vastutuse hindamise alasesse diskussiooni.estopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalphilosophy of sciencebusiness ethicsobjectivitybakalaureusetöödteadusfilosoofiaärieetikaettevõtlusvastutusobjektiivsusObjektiivsus ja ettevõtte sotsiaalse vastutuse mõju hindamineCorporate social responsibility and objectivityThesis